Literunner\Kidnap problem Thread last updated on 2004-06-01 23:13:13

Posted by member 159957 on 2004-05-31 23:09:21

I have a Subtheme that I use to make phone calls and answer mail. that kidnaps outlook,address book,notepad,and calculator.(4 windows\labels) the address book label(right click) toggles word and excel.

*OnRun [notepad][][!KidnapCapture [notepad][][xLabel][lnote][-4][-4][254][278]][]

*OnRun [scicalc][][!KidnapCapture [scicalc][][xLabel][lcalc][-4][-4][254][244]][]

*OnRun [Outlook Express Browser Class][][!KidnapCapture [Outlook Express Browser Class][][xLabel][lcorr2][-4][-4][519][244]][]

*OnRun [WABBrowseView][][!KidnapCapture [WABBrowseView][][xLabel][ldir][-4][-4][519][278]][]

*OnRun [OpusApp][][!KidnapCapture [OpusApp][][xLabel][lwor][-4][-4][519][278]][]

*OnRun [XLMAIN][][!KidnapCapture [XLMAIN][][xLabel][lexc][-4][-4][519][278]][]

when I click on the label the corresponding window opens.
Its very useful for me.
Now the problem Im having is that word and excel after opening and being capture correctly fail when I try to open a document (the window title starts blinking no response and I have to ctrl alt-del to close it.) now I open again and it works fine. It only happens the firt time I try to open a document. same problem both applications.
I use it like that but it would be cool if there was a way to avoid that.
Help would be appreciated.

Posted by member 159957 on 2004-06-01 23:13:13 link

Ok, well figured out a solution to the problem:
*OnRun [OpusApp][][!Execute [!Wait 1500][!KidnapCapture [OpusApp][][xLabel][ltel][-4][-4][519][278]][]

*OnRun [XLMAIN][][!Execute [!Wait 1500][!KidnapCapture [XLMAIN][][xLabel][lexc][-4][-4][519][278]][]

I guess Word and excel wanted a little more time to load up correctly before they were kidnap(at least 1.5 sec.)
*so it wasn't a module problem after all.(thanks to !wait from LSplus)
LiteRunner and Kidnap pair of great modules.