Why do I get logged out so quickly, not using Opera! Thread last updated on 2005-08-28 12:09:44

Posted by member 164303 on 2004-05-23 06:37:04

I am using Avant browser (which uses IE)& it still happens.

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-05-23 10:35:46 link

Just like every other thread about this:
Fifteen minutes. If you don't do something in fifteen minutes, you must log back in.
You need something like what Opera has to keep you logged in--that is, do some activity on the site.
It's not that bad. You go somewhere, whoops, too late.
Type in your use, tab, type in your pw, enter, back, refresh.

Posted by member 1 on 2004-05-23 11:03:43 link

what are you doing on the site where you look at a single page for 15 minutes? I mean really...15 minutes. You could load up LSnet...go get some coffee and come back and still not be logged out.

Posted by member 99 on 2004-05-23 18:26:16 link

I get logged out occasionally when replying, especially if I'm replying with a script. It's not really a big deal though, since I can just log in, go back two pages, and hit submit again. Meh.

Posted by member 157543 on 2004-05-24 15:02:56 link

Well, I have this habbit of loading every new topic in a section at once, then just reading through them (gotta love tabbed browsing) and sometimes don't make it in the fifteen minutes, but it doesn't bother me, it's just a reason someone might take to long.

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-05-25 17:12:31 link

I do the same as Pizzasgood...usually I make it though. :)

Posted by member 166605 on 2004-05-28 00:41:22 link

Not sure where to post this, but I'm finaly logged in. AOL sux and logged me out when I clicked on anything, so all I saw was the first news page for a while. I have Firefox now and it seems that there are no problems.

Posted by member 1 on 2004-05-28 01:49:20 link

that is a problem with how the AOL system works. basically they store a copy of the Internet on their own machines and pass that page along to you. however...this doesn't work on sites like this that verify session information and the like because the server storing the information does not have a username to carry a session with to each page so you get the front page. I don't know if there is any way to get around it with AOL...sorry.

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-06-01 18:36:34 link

...they store a copy of the INTERNET on their servers??? are you serious? cause that would be an INSANE amount of storage.

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-06-01 19:52:39 link

They cache web pages, and storage is pretty cheap compared to bandwidth. It speeds up dial-up requests (though more sites using PNGs would do as well), and whatever proxy mess they do with it has caused problems with games since the beginning of time--er, Starcraft :). I don't know about now, but it also used to make updated web pages an act in frustration.

Web pages that are hardly ever hit don't get cached. However, by now they probably have a 'smart' system that will cache parts as you go there, messing up such places as Litestep.net.

Posted by member 45783 on 2004-06-03 03:09:15 link

Every place in the world wide web I happen pop into, complains about AOL.
What makes it suck that much, and if it really sucks so much, why does it still have customers?

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-06-03 13:32:41 link

Because 90% of the customers either don't know, don't care, or are the parents of minors who know and care. :)

Posted by member 133731 on 2004-06-03 15:58:17 link

Because they know how to perform a successful advertising campaign. Including delivering billions of those damn cd's.

Posted by member 12798 on 2004-06-04 08:43:17 link

there was a campaign once that asked people to send their aol cds to them. when reached one million cds, they wanted to send them back to aol :D ... but i don't know whether they succeeded. nice idea though. :)

Posted by member 12798 on 2004-06-04 08:43:41 link

doh, IE sucks :(

Posted by member 56896 on 2004-06-04 12:30:41 link

I leave browser windows open for long periods of time, all the time. I read a bit of a website, then leave it open, do a project, and then read again. Is it really that uncommon of behavior? What is the benefit of being logged out after 15 minutes? My vote: turn it off altogether

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-06-04 18:53:04 link

zoobiewa: did you actually READ the post? it's not getting changed. not unless you want to provide hosting for the site. the logout period is stipulated in the hosting agreement, so there's no changing it.

Posted by member 45025 on 2004-06-05 13:00:29 link

Heh, what a lame condition; All it achieves is more hits on the login page.

Posted by member 159957 on 2004-06-05 14:19:07 link

This site offers you the oportunity to learn,have intelligent "conversations", and to comunicate with very smart people.
Try to concentrate in what matters.

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-06-05 19:16:33 link

xL3X: If I'm not mistaken, you're hitting the same page as the login page no matter what you do here.

Posted by member 249634 on 2005-08-28 06:29:28 link

i don't like that behaviour of this site too...
You need a new hoster? Did you check http://www.funpic.de ?
-100% free
-Filesize max 1 Mbyte
-99% Uptime

Yeah there's a filesize limit but you could store the themes on an external server?

Posted by member 1 on 2005-08-28 12:09:44 link

If you don't like the behaviour use some other site. PERIOD!