Advanced volume control module? Thread last updated on 2004-05-27 01:57:37

Posted by member 45783 on 2004-05-12 17:12:01

I've been toying with LSSlider, but let's face it - LSSlider doesn't work well with neither transparency or LSBox and doesn't suit my theme's style.

What I presently use are ahorcuts for specific set volumes and other shortcuts to modify them. At present, touching any of these controls flashes a LSSlider window for 1 second, then hides it again. Unfortunately, even though label almost makes coffee and rubs your back, it does not have an interface to get text information of volume levels from Windows.

So, does anyone know of a module, which could retrieve text information of volume levels? It would be nice if it could set and/or adjust them with !bangs too, but I can do that with LSSlider if absolutely neccessary.

Posted by member 1 on 2004-05-12 18:06:55 link

LSSlider and LSBox work fine together. What kind of problems were you having?

Posted by member 45783 on 2004-05-13 09:58:05 link

Mainly those related to any kind of transparency. Somehow, when moving the slider, the slider handle forgets to keep track of what in the image changes and you get a hall-of-mirrors effect when the background is always replaced by the image, which was behind the slider handle when it was first shown.

That is not a big minus though, but quite annoying.

The label would be a cleaner solution anyway. I'll ask the devs whether it would be too big a bother to include.

Posted by member 159957 on 2004-05-26 22:29:17 link

xlabellight-3 just out:
[volume] Shows the Main Channel Volume in %

Posted by member 45783 on 2004-05-27 01:57:37 link

Yeah, I asked for it and he made it. :)
Thanks a lot Andymon!

Also, it seems that with the most recent versions of LSBox, LSSlider and Litestep, the hall-of-mirrors -effect does not happen even with alpha transparency. So don't worry.