Posted by member 159206 on 2004-05-10 19:58:08
I used to be a heavy LS user about 3 years ago, and was wandering around and found that it's alive and well still. I'm trying to give it a go once more. Ok onto the problem:
I've ran the installer (very very slick, much better than me editing boot.ini's etc..) and boot into LS just fine. As soon as i load a web page or explorer, it loads into the VD to the left. not all the way to left just one screen over. I don't have dual monitors, and i can't ever get to the windows. I see their shadow (from yz's shadow proggy) but no window. There used to be a hot-key to 'gather windows' into the VD you are working on. But i wish it would work from the start. Is it theme-dependant? I'm downloading a new theme now, hopefully that will solve it. Any other quick fixes would be helpful. THanks
I used to be a heavy LS user about 3 years ago, and was wandering around and found that it's alive and well still. I'm trying to give it a go once more. Ok onto the problem:
I've ran the installer (very very slick, much better than me editing boot.ini's etc..) and boot into LS just fine. As soon as i load a web page or explorer, it loads into the VD to the left. not all the way to left just one screen over. I don't have dual monitors, and i can't ever get to the windows. I see their shadow (from yz's shadow proggy) but no window. There used to be a hot-key to 'gather windows' into the VD you are working on. But i wish it would work from the start. Is it theme-dependant? I'm downloading a new theme now, hopefully that will solve it. Any other quick fixes would be helpful. THanks