LsBox weirdness Thread last updated on 2004-05-03 15:14:07

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-05-03 15:08:41 (visual aid) (theme in current form)
I have a set of four boxes per module display. All are working fine except for the systray. All use the same script, same variables, etc., with only a prefix different for the variables.
When normal, everything shows up fine. It rolls up like it should.
However, when I run the script to change the settings, which works fine for the other stuff, it appears to be working OK.
I can collapse it and open it. As soon as I move it, however, trying to collapse it bring the box below the grip box instead of above it, though it does work. And while moving it, it flickers, showing shade box both above and below the grip box.

Any clue what's going on?