LS Box & Tasks / Systray Thread last updated on 2004-04-30 15:37:22

Posted by member 101579 on 2004-04-30 03:21:20

I've downloaded a very nice Theme and edited it to fit my needs. Unfortunately the taskbar and systray modules are not working right.
They are placed in 2 seperate LS Boxes and runnig, but they do not update correctly. It displays the new tray / task items on top of the old, not removing the previous icon when the program is closed.

I already read the docs and tried a few things but without success.

Edit: Modules used:

Anybody know a solution?

Edit #2:
We discussed this on IRC.
There was a problem with the "magic pink" making the tray transparent.

I got an other problem too.
I made Hotkeys to bring seperate boxes on top when I need them and bring them down if i do not need them any more.
Unfortunately only the hotkey for !lsboxsetzorder boxname stayontop works. !lsboxsetzorder boxname normal does only work if I execute it via shortcut or lsx command.

Posted by member 7 on 2004-04-30 08:28:32 link

Both lsbox and tasks have recently been updated, try the latest versions.

Posted by member 101579 on 2004-04-30 15:37:22 link

I'll try this, thanks.