Not seeing modules Thread last updated on 2004-04-29 05:45:45

Posted by member 154356 on 2004-04-29 04:42:03

I've just discovered this amazing program today, but after trying some different themes I've realised that none of the themes included with the themes are displayed on my desktop, and I'm wondering why??

A little bit of the steps I've gone thru so maybe you can see what I've done wrong.

1- Downloaded and installed litestep.
2- Rebooted my machine and everything was wornking fine, a new windows bar and a new wallpaper with litestep icon on it. Here the problems begin, I don't know if anything else should have been displayed on my desktop...
3- Tryied some other themes and all of them changed my windows bar, but none of them added any theme to my desktop

So after following this steps I've realised that I've got some problems, and I've come here so you can help me.

Thanks a lot for your help and excusme me if this question has been asked before, but as search is disabled I've created a new topic. Hope you can help me.

Posted by member 35 on 2004-04-29 05:42:52 link

no problem, if the themes dont change the wallpaper is because they are not intended to.

Posted by member 154356 on 2004-04-29 05:45:45 link

Yeah I know but what happens is that the ones I'm using are intended to change the wallpaper, and also they make me download lots of modules which I can't see on my desktop.