Where is the stable version? Thread last updated on 2004-04-27 22:12:02

Posted by member 153667 on 2004-04-27 14:26:59

Call me stupid if you want but is there a stable version of LiteStep out there? If there is, where can I get it? I don't want a beta where I have to download installers and dlls seperate. Also, what's the story with litestep.com?

Posted by member 12798 on 2004-04-27 15:43:37 link

0.24.7 RC2 IS stable. dlls _are_ seperate these days, there're no more core modules.
if you don't use the installer, you'll have to do a lot of work on your own and won't benefit of automatic module downloading and a setup prepared for ots2 themes.
and finally: ls.com, well, it is kind of down... :P

Posted by member 35 on 2004-04-27 17:07:44 link

ls has been stable for some years now, and it's modular, so you'll always have to download separate dlls to add functions to ls.

about litestep.com, there's no story. there's no official litestep site, websites come and go.

Posted by member 99 on 2004-04-27 22:12:02 link

0.24.7 RC2 is not beta, it's a Release Candidate, hence the RC. That means that barring any major bugs, it will become the final, "stable" 0.24.7 release.

Modules are like plugins, they give you added functionality where you (or whoever's making the themes you use) gets to pick and choose which ones they want. There's way too many to just install all of them.