NetLoadModule vs LoadModule Thread last updated on 2004-04-22 15:01:13

Posted by member 150329 on 2004-04-21 00:08:48

Being that Im not interested in downloading themes against making them myself, would I save any resources(or load time) by ussing Loadmodule against netloadmodule.
Im allready ussing "NetLoadModuleOnLoad !NetUnloadModule ."
And is there anything else I can take out of Litestep if I dont use themes from the net.(I rather download and unzip the modules to directory myself)
Im ussing Litestep 0.24.7 rc2 with Omars installer
(whats the bare minimun to run litestep efficiently?)

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-04-21 07:52:47 link

NetLoadModule: Not enough resources to matter.
You can take out anything but the LS core, but I would heavily recommend keeping a desktop module in place :), and popup, given how handy it is.

Posted by member 1 on 2004-04-21 12:28:49 link

Well...NLM is a resource hog by design. However...unloading NLM will free up those resources eventually. Best bang for the buck would be to go back to using LoadModule and write a short script using textedit to convert OTS2 themes to your standard. If you REALLY wanted to slim down your build I would uninstall omar's installer, install the latest build (24.7rc2) and build something from scratch. For LS to load all you need is a blank step.rc in $LiteStepDir$. From there is up to you.

Posted by member 150329 on 2004-04-21 23:15:03 link

Thanks men, Im gonna try that.

Posted by member 99 on 2004-04-22 01:27:04 link

NLM itself shouldn't use a lot of resources, but it ends up mapping a lot of dlls into LiteStep's address space. Most of those dlls will get loaded by other processes eventually anyway (esp. if you use IE) and that gets shared. Besides which, NLM doesn't really do anything after startup, so it'll mostly just end up taking up space in your page file.

So yeah, the virtual memory in use by LiteStep will go down a lot without it, but the free physical memory probably won't go up quite so much.

Doing without NetLoadModule should decrease load time though, since then it wouldn't have to load all those dlls right then. (nor the other stuff that NLM always does, and you can load modules in parallel if you don't do certain advanced scripting tricks)

Posted by member 150329 on 2004-04-22 15:01:13 link

OK,changed my themes to LoadModule (saved them on a temp directory).swicth to explorer. then deleted litestep folder and everything on It.
Then downloaded litestep 24.7rc2. made new step.rc personal.rc,jkey.rc and pasted evars.rc and popup.rc.
pasted my themes and themeselect.rc,pasted modules back.
changed back to litestep started ok except for clockwork,pasted gdiplus. everything works good. sims to load quicker (a little).
BEFORE: allocated heap memory 320Kb
size heap and modules 11.8Mb
Ram Available 79800Kb
After: allocated heap memory 314Kb
size heap and modules 11.8Mb
Ram Available 89200Kb but it drops to 79,800Kb after 10 secs.

Well, saved 6 kb !LOL
Well made me understad litestep structure better.

Oh, Tested on a Win98Se on a 550MhZ 128RAM (-8MB video) 120MB

I looks like NLM is pretty well written.