How to .extract smaller icons? Thread last updated on 2004-04-18 03:38:33

Posted by member 1031 on 2004-04-16 18:13:33

Not sure where to put this, as I'm working with Shortcut2 but it works with multiple modules...

How does one .extract the smaller icons from an executable file?
such as when you put .extract="C:\Windows\explorer.exe",0
you get the 32x32 size icon. Is there an easy way to get the 16x16 icon?

Posted by member 111 on 2004-04-17 03:20:01 link

no chance
if you do it for youself, extact icon manually using any resource editor

Posted by member 1031 on 2004-04-18 03:38:33 link

Thanks, that's what I was afraid of.

So is this just a limitation of the LS core, or could a module be programmed to do it? Or would it have to be some complicated workaround that doesn't use the core at all and is too much work? I'm working on a coding a simple quicklaunch module.