Controlling winamp with hotkeys Thread last updated on 2004-04-04 19:46:12

Posted by member 126573 on 2004-04-04 12:37:00

I found out that my gateway keyboard's multimedia and shortcut keys really just mimic pressing down multiple keys (i.e. play=Left Windows logo key+ALT+CTRL+D). So, I wanted to control Winamp using my multimedia keys. I know that popup2 can control winamp, but the only thing I found in the docs was that you could specify an image as your control, not hotkeys. Then I looked for something in my jkey docs, but that was fruitless. Does anyone know of a way to do what I want? I thought I might be able to specify for jkey to run a !bang command that popup2 would use to control winamp, but the only !bang command I found in the popup doc was "!RemoteAmp [IMAGE.BMP]
Build 2002-05-15 and later:
!RemoteAmp [IMAGE.BMP] [marginleft] [marginright] [margintop] [marginbottom] [spacing] ."

I'm also a little new to Litestep so if you could please tell me also in what file I should put the needed commands that would be helpful.

Posted by member 1 on 2004-04-04 16:56:21 link

you want to use geekamp/dynamp and jkey to do this.

Posted by member 1949 on 2004-04-04 19:46:12 link

I'll go a little deeper than Devil did for you.
No disrepect bro. It's a cool idea.
I might try this setup myself...

1st: You must be using a theme with winamp controls.
Or go to loose-screws and look for some amp
modules for LS and load it up in your theme.

2nd: You will need to edit your hotkey.rc file located in
your litestep\personal folder.

Now you need to know the bang commands to control
winamp. Check the !about litestep window for active

*Hotkey Win C !amp_play

Hotkey Modifiers are
Or combined CTRL+SHIFT or CTRL+ALT you get the idea!
Now when your keyboard is setup to use WIN+C it plays
your winamp.