Hallo. I dowloaded and installed litestep today. When I did the reboot, my winXPpro system runs about 1 minute, and then the computer shuts down, and making a reboot! What can be wrong, and how can I solve this??
Ah. It's now working fine.
I booted up in safe-mode, and disabled Northon Antivirus 2003 to start up.. (msconfig.exe)
It probably didn't like litestep ;P
Ah. It's now working fine.
I booted up in safe-mode, and disabled Northon Antivirus 2003 to start up.. (msconfig.exe)
It probably didn't like litestep ;P
...and I don't like Norton (except Ghost)
what do you guys use for antivirus?
whats better than norton 3004 pro I do admit it is resource intensive?
brrrr... I'm using NAV 2003 and everything works fine...
Currently on WinXP SP1 En, some time ago on Win2k SP3 En.
I used to use NAV2003 on XP without sp?. but removed the autostarting NAV-apps that caused my XP do shut down.
Norton and Mcafee way to intrusive the only anti-virus I use is common sense. I have had only a few virus' since 1995 one was klez and the other was msblast, I think maybe two or thre more over the years.
I'm the same way. I've never had any viruses caused by me (only by my parents), and since I'm the only one that uses my pc's now, I just think before I open/download stuff. but truthfully, most of my downloads (at least shareza) and e-mail stuff happen on my server, which DOES run mcafee.
I stay away from warez sites and peer-2-peer
I do very little corresponce on email just
for work and Earthlink scans for virus' now.
just a matter of good practices turn off preview pane and discard emails with unknown attachments.
http://www.grisoft.com, Free AVG. Its free, and doesn't use up every system resource like norton's. It's always worked very well for me.
i agree there... AVG is simply great ...
nav is good.... but just too heavy....
NAV isn't bad, you just have to be very sure to get it only doing the most basic real-time protection. Otherwise it can be very annoying.
AVG is cool, and you also might want to check out AntiVir.