"Module downloaded but not unzipped" error solution Thread last updated on 2004-03-23 09:03:17

Posted by member 137031 on 2004-03-21 06:22:37

this is my first time when dealing with litestep and related problems - i'm only using this thing for about 10hrs, and i wanted to share what i figured out
i saw some people on this forum posting about problems i've been encountering - this is imposibility of using newly downloaded themes, and "corrupted" zip files
they are not corrupted - they will unzip normally under any zip extractor, and the only thing "wrong" with them is their name...
it seems for me that installer (netloadmodule) names dll files inside zip file according to their zip name
for example if fresly downloaded module is named dummy-1.0.1b.zip and inside is dummy.dll file, then netloadmodule will rename it to dummy-1.0.1b.dll and put it in modules directory
now - let's say this module was required for certain theme - for example call it ugly1
if author of ugly1 in its theme.rc file inserted line '*netloadmodule dummy-1.0.1beta' then all what you'll get is "module downloaded but.." message from installer
changing this line to match module name will do the trick

Posted by member 99 on 2004-03-21 15:42:03 link

You get "Module downloaded, but zip was invalid." because unfortunately loose-screws sends an empty file instead of an error when you ask it for a module that it doesn't have. The zip file is, in fact, not usable. If you find one that is, it's a different file.

NLM names the dll according to the module-version string, which is usually the name of the zip, because it makes the URL nicer, but doesn't have to be. (although if you have it set to save the zip archive, it will also name the zip according to this string, and the documentation)

If the theme asks for "dummy-1.0.1beta", it will ask all the download sites for it, and they should send back an error, but loose-screws instead says "here ya go, have this empty file!" NLM determines that it can't open the file, but it did get one, so it tells you this.

Any existing "dummy-1.0.1b.zip" file that you may have is a completely unrelated module as far as NLM is concerned.

Posted by member 137031 on 2004-03-21 17:54:05 link

sounds resonable :]
anyway i'm happy with my new shell :]
still having some troubles with running themes i really would like (eg ghost or Naunnaarpoq) but...
funnily enough is that i can go to the loose-screws site and manually search and install all required modules
so in this case i would say that both sides are to blame - author of theme for giving wrong names to used modules, loose-screws for sending empty files instead of 404 error

Posted by member 99 on 2004-03-23 03:34:53 link

Well, I would blame the theme author a bit more... If loose-screws correctly sent a 404 error, it still wouldn't work. If the theme author used an actual existing name, it would. The loose-screws thing just makes it difficult to avoid confusing people. :/

Posted by member 137031 on 2004-03-23 09:03:17 link

btw - why those mods are rewritten with each relesae.. i mean i'm just trying to make some cute theme that suits me, and i started my work on silverfleep theme, redrawed whole taskbar skins just to find out that this in not the right approach if i would want 2 line display in a form i really wanted - first thing that pop up in my mind - update taskbar3 module to more current version (it was using 303)
so i've tryied 305 - all skinning dissapeared :(
ok.. quick look on docs shown that half of evars changed their name - after updating this i was still nowhere - magic pink is displayed magically - as grey
.306 alpha - same thing
.7 version - completly diffrent evar names :/ and approach to skinning...
now i'm using .306 and 1 line display
eventually i'll move to .7 (it supports xp like task grouping) but i think i'll resign from 2 lines display.. it consumes too much desktop space anyway

ok, time to finnish before moderator get crossed :D