Need help with themes. Thread last updated on 2004-03-17 14:16:08

Posted by member 135276 on 2004-03-16 21:34:04

Thank you whoever helped me on my last question.. it did work it was still RC1 or whatever, but uhmn.. something always messes up with the downloading of the themes.. when i install them, and the modules screw up and say they're missing and all this crap.. also like it ALWAYS asks if i want to switch back to default before installed.. i can only see partially the stuff on the screen.. if someone could help that'd be great.

Posted by member 7 on 2004-03-17 01:58:13 link

You can disable the dialog box that asks you whether you want to switch back. It's there in case a theme fails to install and you're left with no UI. The option to diable it is in popup->Litestep->change themes->install theme->settings

You'll need to be a little more specific about the install problems. "Something messes up" "and all this crap" aren't exactly enough to figure out what's going wrong on your side. Does NLM fail to download all modules? Only some of them? Try this and post back if it helps:
Open Litestep\step.rc in a text editor. There should be one or two "*NetLoadModuleSite" lines in there. Replace them with the following three lines:
*NetLoadModuleSite ""
*NetLoadModuleSite ""
*NetLoadModuleSite ""

Then try to install the theme(s) again.

Posted by member 135276 on 2004-03-17 14:16:08 link

it's always saying, "Error could not find module" or download.. and then like some of the bar is missing.. like bits and pieces.. they never work, the only one that works is the default theme.