I am new to LiteStep and would like to modify the popup menu so that I have a seperate directory for games and a seperate directory for frequently used programs. How do I create and populate these directories?
basically you can just create file shortcuts in any folder you want and use !PopupDynamicFolder to populate the popup entries. Or you can just build the popup in the popup.rc by linking directly to the files. Up to you...
*Popup "Desktop" !DynamicFolder:"$Desktop$"
*Popup "Games" !DynamicFolder:"C:\My_Games\Folder"
*Popup "Recent" !DynamicFolder:"$quicklaunch$"
Whats the !DynamicFolder:"..." for things like Control Panel, My Computer, Recycle Bin, and Network Neighborhood. Is there a way to find out on my own and if not, could somone show me what they did for theirs?
You can find all those infos in the readme included with the module (in this case popup2). NLM copies these files to your litestep\modules\docs folder.
In addition to that, all the basic documentation for the so called 'core' modules can be accessed quickly by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F1... Keep in mind that these docs are slightly out of date.