What is your audio player ? Thread last updated on 2004-05-09 09:25:26

Posted by member 7223 on 2004-03-15 06:59:18

I'm planing to add support for foobar2000 (and remove winamp5 support) in my lszygote theme.
Then, what is your audio player ?

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-03-15 07:30:07 link

I use foobar2k.

But in your theme, you could use dynamp, it supports both foobar and winamp.

Posted by member 94 on 2004-03-15 09:40:01 link

JetAudio here, but there's no module to control it. :(

Posted by member 1340 on 2004-03-15 11:02:39 link

yup. Jetaudio here too. but winamp comes second. dont like foobar anyway...

Posted by member 1 on 2004-03-15 11:50:49 link

winamp 2 here...grdAmp comes in a close second though.

Posted by member 111 on 2004-03-15 13:52:57 link

QCD forever!

Posted by member 126210 on 2004-03-15 18:03:55 link


Posted by member 5669 on 2004-03-16 17:49:43 link

foobar2000 with foo_ui_columns (for functionality) and foo_text (for exporting themevars to foobar.rc to be read by litestep).

Posted by member 138913 on 2004-04-22 12:56:59 link

Just installed Omar's install of LS. I'm liking LS, so far. I think it will only get better.

So the docs say that the controls will work for foobar2k, but they don't for me. I know the playback info won't, but I assumed that the buttons would. Do I have to do anything for them to work on foobar?


Posted by member 12025 on 2004-04-23 07:14:43 link

You might have to tell it what player to use (check the dynamp docs). Personally, I couldn't get it working w/ 0.8.

Posted by member 138913 on 2004-04-23 08:37:49 link

I had looked at the dynamp docs before and found some good info about config settings. But I don't know where to use that info. One of them defines the path to foobar (DynAmpPath), which sounds like I need to use it.

But then another is a mystery to me...
DynAmpOnFooBar !bang
Bang to be run when a control is loaded for FooBar2k

Surely there must be a .rc file somewhere where I need to put this stuff. Or maybe in austerity it already is there. I don't know.

But when I click play on the austerity taskbar, it does switch the focus to foobar, but that's all. It doesn't actually make it play (or stop, or next, or pause, etc.)

Posted by member 152354 on 2004-04-25 10:53:36 link

where is the command line where u put in your music folder to play though the shell?? i read it before but i cant remember =/

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-04-28 17:51:50 link

ok, back to the ORIGINAL TOPIC, winamp5.

Posted by member 182 on 2004-04-29 19:24:40 link

i'll let you guess..
(Helmet) Aftertaste // Track 5 - Driving Nowhere @ 208kbps [ 1:01/4:19 ] :: foobar2000 v0.8.1


Posted by member 125450 on 2004-04-29 20:39:45 link

Wimamp 5

Posted by member 1958 on 2004-05-01 00:26:59 link

foobar2000 v0.8.1 Special Edition

Kernel Streaming Kicks Ǻşş ;-}

Posted by member 128640 on 2004-05-03 08:51:59 link

winamp 2.81 because I don't need gas factory on my 2.4@home and foobar2000 because I REALLY don't need a gas factory on my 800@work

Posted by member 115666 on 2004-05-03 12:17:26 link

Winamp 5.2
death to windows media player

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-05-03 12:38:01 link

Foorbar2k, and whatever caused 0.8 not to work before (but it seems nobody else had this problem, so some config wierdness apparently), it works fine w/ Dynamp 0.51.

Posted by member 7223 on 2004-05-04 10:47:36 link

@Cerbie: hum... in fact, I've just tried dynamp-0.51 yesterday (I'm not playing on lszygote anymore) and it doesn't work. I don't want to check why it doesn't because I have a very minimal and personal foobar2k, but using command line like this works well:
foobar2000.exe /play
foobar2000.exe /next

foobar2000.exe /?

But it doesn't deals with something like !MovePosition[i] &lt time &gt |/i] :(

...and it seems to be a delay (750ms) :(

Posted by member 37809 on 2004-05-04 15:07:30 link

Smurth: yea, I find that too. foobar2000<->litestep integration isn't as tight as with winamp.

Progress seeking is difficult to do with a broken/unsupported !MovePosition bang. I have a funky scripted bang to call an approximate amount of seeks to jump in a song for winamp, and an exact amount of seeks for foobar, but it is of course slow for winamp, and especially slow for fb2k :) Here, calling foobar2000.exe with the command line switches brings up the busy mouse cursor, which I expect, but find ironic and dumb for our purposes :D

You might find the following useful for now:

In foobar2000.exe /help you see a /command: switch. This lets you execute any command that may be bound to a menu. I think the /playlist_command: switch is similar.

Go to
Foobar2000->Preferences->Core->Main menu items.
Right click on any group and Insert item->Command...

Now any of those listed can be used with the /command: switch.

It has to be quoted though, for example:
audiotoggle '"$FoobarPath$" /command:"Foobar2000/Activate or hide"'

Then you can call $audiotoggle$.

Posted by member 73572 on 2004-05-04 17:21:38 link

iTunes 4.5. Mostly because I'm at school, and it has that neat-o music sharing feature over networks... I'm on a laptop with a meagre 30 gb of space, so not having to take up all of my hard drive space for my music is nice.

Posted by member 96591 on 2004-05-09 09:25:26 link

QCD and Foobar2k forever