Taskbar3 transparency problem Thread last updated on 2004-02-24 12:22:56

Posted by member 71746 on 2004-02-24 00:29:23

Trying to use taskbar3 with some magic pink transparency but it's giving me some grief. Instead of being transparent, any magic pink shows up as black.

Anyone know a way around this?

Posted by member 119842 on 2004-02-24 07:09:27 link

hello inhaler. I was trying to do that too, but I've already given up. I think I read in taskbar's readme that transparency is not yet activated. Oh, here it is:

"What has been improved, compared to the last taskbar3 version (0.306 alpha x) is:
(...) true transparency (not activated at the moment)."

If you get to do it somehow, please tell me how you did.

Posted by member 71746 on 2004-02-24 12:22:56 link


I've figured out a cheat that works in my situation.

Basically instead of having the transparent rounded corners be part of the taskbar image, I've cut them off and joined them to the images used by the surrounding modules (which have proper transparency) so the taskbar is just a solid bar.

Kind of a shady way of going about it but it works.. I'm not sure if tasks.dll may have better transparency support but switching modules seems like it'd be more work for me so I'm stickin with this ;)