VWM over a Label w/o AlwaysOnTop Thread last updated on 2004-02-22 18:46:20

Posted by member 119842 on 2004-02-22 14:54:42

Is it possible to set a transparent VWM in front of a Label that shows the current desktop number WITHOUT setting vwm to AlwaysOnTop?
I mean, I can do that with module ordering, but sometimes when I click vwm somewhere near the label, the label gets in front of it. (the label size is, of course, smaller than vwm's and I disabled its buttons)
Well, I'm new to Litestep and maybe it's a bad idea to put modules over modules anyway.

Posted by member 37809 on 2004-02-22 18:46:20 link

see if hooking either the vwm and/or the label to lsbox or skinbox helps. this assumes that module ordering will work now though.

the other idea that comes to mind is to set the vwm on top temporarily (on mouse enter and then not on top on mouse leave), and see if that works.

i guess most people would agree it's only a bad idea when it doesn't work, at least when they can tell what you're doing.