PixOffice addition Thread last updated on 2004-02-17 02:40:03

Posted by member 111670 on 2004-02-17 02:40:03

I have been tested the PixOffice theme.
But I have some questions.
I want to make addition to this theme.
I want add one button/popup at first.
So I do this:

1.) I add this to bPopup file:

*bPopup "My own" !New !bPopupMyOwn
*bPopup "Run" !Run
*bPopup "MS-DOS" $comspec$
*bPopup "Recycle Bin" !execute ["$FileManager$" "$bitbucket$"]
*bPopup "Display Properties" control.exe desk.cpl
*bPopup !Separator
*bPopup "Control Panel" !PopupControlPanel
*bPopup !Separator
*bPopup "Close menu" !None
*bPopup ~New

2.) and add to Labels file:

If ResolutionX