Shortcut3.dll Thread last updated on 2004-02-15 16:50:11

Posted by member 28719 on 2004-02-14 20:00:15

I have been using litestep since it all started. All the themes I create and utilize are primarily eyecandy-type shortcuts with programs attatched to them, mouse-over animation, etc... I like to have a consolidated control bar with buttons and the name of the program appear either in a winodws built into the base shortcut or as a pop-up when you mouse over it. I have been using shortcut2.dll for YEARS and it has always had a problem in that when you open certain apps the delay causes the 'button' to get 'stuck' in the mouse-over position. This happens, even if I set the default image as the click image. I have been trying to get shortcut3.dll to work for about a year now but cannot figure one thing out. Even though it is supposed to be 'fully compliant' with shortcut2.dll commands, whenever I use shortcut3.dll the T flag is ignored and the control bars I create are not always on top. How can I set the flag to be always on top in shortcut3.dll? I know that this is 'old school' for many current users and that a lot of new themes do not even use shortcuts, or barely use them, but I have a large number of themes using them extensivly and I know that shortcut3.dll will open the toggles more quickly while not giving me the 'stuck button' problem and I just want to know how to make it work. I would also like to get docs in depth enough for me to be able te utilize the 'enhanced' features of a *shortcutex~ type setup, but lengthy documentation is not easy to find.


Posted by member 2018 on 2004-02-14 23:39:53 link

first sc3 was never finished. the author has left the community.

but the best way the configure it is by the gui

!shortcut configure

i believe thats it or something close

Posted by member 111 on 2004-02-15 04:56:33 link

>I have been using shortcut2.dll for YEARS and it has always had a problem in that when you open certain apps the delay causes the 'button' to get 'stuck' in the mouse-over position. This happens, even if I set the default image as the click image.

BTW this bug was fixed in shortcut2-2.0.2

Posted by member 28719 on 2004-02-15 10:53:10 link

I will definitely look into that. I tried to download the latest Litestep, but it insisted on 'installing' and would not just open up so that I can copy out the moduals. I had to repoint XP at my Litestep and then inspect the new litestep. I have noticed a lot of changes. I remeber using litestep unchanged for about a year and then I 'updated' and they had changed the order of the whole shortcut layout and all my shortcuts were messed up nad it took me weeks to rewrite them all and make them work properly. I had tried to use the proposed theme standard of the time of my first litestep universe where there was a main step.rc and then sub 'theme.rc's and when I used the LSCP it wiped out my step.rc and that was a pain so then I re-adjusted and all my themes have a sub step.rc and the main step.rc only points to the one in the theme and then the one in the theme pointed to everything else. I used the LSBasic theme from Westep to reverse engineer the new theme style and I made a common user.rc that all sub step.rc's pointed at and the lscp worked perfectly with them. After inspecting the latest litestep I noticed that the theme standard has changed again, and that the main step.rc is once again being used, and that the lscp is gone and there is some way to change themes from a popup entry? how in the world do I translate my themes to use this? I know I do not stay ontop of things, but that is because litestep works so well and that plus mozilla plus 2xexplorer lets me pretend I am not using a microsoft product while I play my games. The new idea to have a million little tiny .rc files pointing at each other and not even located in the same directory makes tracing the theme to figure it out a little difficult. I started programming in C++ a few years ago and then I recently started Java programming and I only bring this up because the old litestep seemed to flow like a cpp file and the new flows more like a set of java files? it is interesting, but hard to follow. I started out in litestep with the original lonerunner version and liked it and used it for aout a year, 'living' with the bugs that prevented me from getting into printers and network sections of the control panel, and recycling after every program install because this was before the dynamic folders. Then I decided to update and I don't remeber why but I ran into a lot of problems because someone rearranged the order of a shortcut layout and it took awhile for someone in the community to help me figure that out because appearently the change was a rather old change and so everyone I talked to assumed I was using the right layout. I then stayed at home not updating for another long period of time because the themes I have work and the interface does all I want, but I still kept looking for updates once in a while to keep from falling behind again, but I guess I fell behind again anyway because I know that the new themes use step.rc for actuall entries and that the LSCP I adapted to using will wipe those out and the new theme architecture is confusing to follow...could someone throw me a bone here?

Posted by member 7 on 2004-02-15 16:22:47 link

Posted by member 99 on 2004-02-15 16:50:11 link

The installers will set up litestep to work with OTS2 themes, including setting it as a shell and all the other tedium.

You can get just the binaries, but they no longer include previously "core" modules:
(currently the most recent version is 0.24.7 RC1)

If you just want to manually update modules, try the module archives:

The new theme standard, OTS2, is documented at: