OPSAT theme won't install Thread last updated on 2004-02-13 14:36:06

Posted by member 115766 on 2004-02-12 07:52:29

I downloaded the OPSAT SplinterCell theme from lsskins.com and I can't get it to load. In fact I can't get most of the .zip themes to load. The .lsz themes load fine. Any ideas? Here is the contents of the LSThemeInstaller.log file:

INSTALL: will attempt to install theme from archive: [C:\LiteStep\themes\1311074986705.zip]

decompression of theme archive succeeded, continuing

root directory of theme found: [OPSAT]
ERROR: root directory of theme does not contain theme.rc, exiting

theme was not installed

It's kinda' obvious what the problem is but there is no theme.rc. There is a STEP.RC and I've tried changing that file name to theme.rc, and recycled and no theme loads. Then I tried editing the step.rc file in the LiteStep directory to say

include "$LiteStepDir$themes\OPSAT\step.rc"

again when I recycle no theme loads.

I have the same problem with all the .zip themes that I download.

Posted by member 111 on 2004-02-12 08:34:08 link

That's because all .zip-packed themes are made by the same author :)

joshhh clearly wrote missed installation step in the readme.txt:
Otherwise, edit step.rc so that it contains the following line and nothing else:

Just backup your \Litestep\step.rc and replace with the described one

Posted by member 115766 on 2004-02-12 09:02:07 link

OK, that got me closer, but now there are a bunch of .dll's missing. Where can I get them and why are they not included in the theme?


Posted by member 1316 on 2004-02-13 14:36:06 link

because OTS2 themes download them when the theme is first started, they're not packaged with themes any longer.