Unable to load any theme that's OTS2 Thread last updated on 2004-02-11 03:29:14

Posted by member 19644 on 2004-02-08 18:48:58

Hello, for some reason, my system is not able to load any theme thats OTS2 even though I have the latest litestep build installed.

The problem is similar to what is mentioned in the "LS Frequently Asked Question / Knowledge Base" section.

I've tried downloading from the provided link but its dead, so i replaced my LSThemeInstaller with the one provided in the "Download Section". I've however not able to follow this steps:

2. Open the LSTS from Popup > LiteStep > Change Theme > LSTS.
3. Hover the mouse over the theme you had attempted to change to to select it then click the Edit Settings button.
4. Under the Theme Info tab make sure the Step text box has step.rc in it. If it doesn't, change it and click OK.
5. Click the Select button to change to that theme.

as it doesn't show the ThemeInfo page at all...

I did try the second method mentioned in the same page, deleted the LSThemeInstaller registry, but upon loading the new theme, it doesn't re-create the registry key. On top of that, the theme doesn't load too....

Can someone point out whats a good fix?

Posted by member 2112 on 2004-02-08 23:40:02 link

Those steps only apply to OTS not OTS2. If you are using the latest LS build installed from Omar's installer, then you should be able to go to your popup > litestep > change themes > install theme then select the theme file you downloaded and click Install and whallah! Your done. If that doesn't work tell us what happens.

Posted by member 19644 on 2004-02-09 01:23:21 link

I've done that for 4-5 themes including "LiteGnome RC2" and "_underscore_" with no success. The only theme that worked was Simplicity for OTS2 and the default theme.

Whenever I tried to install a new theme, NetLoadModule will first check if I need to download the new/old modules. I'll have to manually download the .zip modules and place them in the archive folder instead since NLM doesn't seems to work through my network firewall. After that NLM will auto install the modules and that's it. Litestep will ask if I want to revert to the default theme. However, the new theme will not loaded up at all, no popups or anything, except for a wallpaper.

Nevertheless, the same theme works in my WinXP machine. I even copied the entire Litestep folder (I installed everything in C:\LiteStep) and tranferred to this Win2k machine and the same problem exist!

Posted by member 19644 on 2004-02-09 04:33:45 link


Posted by member 2112 on 2004-02-09 18:14:37 link

Sometimes that prompt about reverting to the default theme appears before the theme is fully loaded and will prevent the theme from continueing to load until you say you don't want to revert. If you say you don't want to revert does the theme still only load the wallpaper and nothing else?

Posted by member 19644 on 2004-02-09 18:57:49 link

Thanks for your time DrWorm, yeah upon choosing to not revert it's still the same... nothing will load up. Some correction on my part, the Simplicity that works is OTS1, not OTS2.

I've also successfully installed GHOST theme on the 2k machine, still the rest is giving me the same problem.... strange eh?

Posted by member 3529 on 2004-02-09 22:48:16 link

Sounds to me as though you tried to install your LS OTS2 over your regular OTS structure. I don't think that works. I would archive your current themes, uninstall litestep, clean the registry and then install LS with the latest installer and build. I think then you will have no problem.

Posted by member 2112 on 2004-02-09 23:03:38 link

I successfully install the latest version of LS over the OTS1 version and everything works fine. But I would still try what BigDaddy has recommended.

Posted by member 19644 on 2004-02-11 03:29:14 link

Actaully i've reinstalled ls and cleaned my registry for 4-5 times... all the same.. think i'm gonna give up ...sigh