icons & yz toolbar Thread last updated on 2004-02-08 11:07:12

Posted by member 108851 on 2004-02-08 10:38:21

hey guys
maybe a qestion ofter answered but:

since i installed litestep my icon packager (stardock) doenst change folder icons any more....
something to do with not loading explorer.exe or what?

and my yz toolbar doesnt change buttons anymore too!

hopes some can help!

Posted by member 7 on 2004-02-08 11:07:12 link

Since you copied&pasted your question in the ls.com forum, I'll copy&paste my answer from there too:

That's a bug in windows, more or less. For some reason the code which loads such custom icons is inside explorer.exe. Or at least that's how it appears to be. We haven't found a workaround yet, except for resource hacking the DLLs.