Ok, I've been trying to get one wallpaper to work. The third one. Yet for some reason, the wallpaper is cycling. All of them are showing up at some point yet I still can't do anything. So yeah. Anyone know wth I have to do, would be much appreciated. Quite new to this. Thanks.
What do you mean, it's "cycling"? It switches back to the original wallpaper after some time?
Note that if you're using LS you cannot select JPG wallpapers through the contol panel. That requires active desktop, which is part of Explorer.
like literally it's changing my desktop wallpaper without my telling it to. and then it will change back to the origianl. When I set it up for a specific wallpaper (a wallpaper that came with the program I might add) it doesn't change. Almost like a screensaver on my desktop. It's odd.
you can use jpg wallpaper under xp...
its probably happening when you recycle litestep. I hate it when it does that
if you don't like the theme changing the wallpaper by default, you can always edit the theme.ini in the $themedir$
does ots2 have a global variable for it? IT SHOULD IF IT DOESNT!
Open the themepopup and select "Use System Wallpaper" if you don't the theme to change your wallpaper for each desktop (Glaze 1.3 only). Or you can open themevars.rc and define your own wallpapers for each of the VWM workspaces.
I can't get these wallpapers to work in glaze 1.3 at ALL... what gives ? I have setup the themes manually for each vwm, but nothing is displaying except a grey background...the application background color. I'm sad :(
If you have set your wallpaper in themevars.rc, then double check the path is correct. If the path to the images contains spaces, you might like to try moving your images into a folder without spaces. Some modules don't like spaces in file/folder names.
DrWorm, the path doesn't contain spaces.... here's what's setup in my themevars.rc file:
UseSystemWallpaper false
vwmDeskWPaper1 $WallpaperDir$wallpaper01.jpg
vwmDeskWPaper2 $WallpaperDir$wallpaper02.jpg
vwmDeskWPaper3 $WallpaperDir$wallpaper03.jpg
vwmDeskWPaper4 $WallpaperDir$wallpaper04.jpg
It's just exactly like the base install...I haven't customized ANYTHING on it and it's not displaying background images on the desktop at all. Anyone have any thoughts? I think this theme would rock if it would just work for me.
I even tried to manually code in the paths to the wallpapers and it still didn't work, it just shows a blank gray screen...basically all it's showing is the 'application preference' background color. I don't know what's up with it.
OK, nevermind, I figured it out.... it had to do with the fact that I DID have spaces in the paths...even though they were relative to the litestep directories... when it was putting the paths in, apparently spaces ANYWHERE in the paths, even if not specifically put in (like with the evars setups) when I told the litestep setup from omar to put in my profile, it caused a problem with the lswallpaper module. I'm running windows 2000 in a domain and I'm using a windows 2000 profile (naturally) which has spaces in the profile path... like "C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\application data\litestep\blah..." so you see there are 2 places where it will have spaces in the path. SO, I uninstalled litestep and reinstalled it using the 'litestep' directory for storing the profiles and it works perfect now. Just to help you all that have had the same problem that I did. :) Cheers!
You could have alternatively quoted those wallpaper evar paths and where they are used in the script file.
I tried that I think... didn't work.
Glad you worked it out.
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