How do I install themes in Litestep Thread last updated on 2004-02-02 12:46:29

Posted by member 107730 on 2004-01-31 05:42:17

I installed Litestep yesterday and ever since I have been trying to install a theme but to no avail, I've tried usint the theme installer but I get an error message that says please select a valid file, even though I've extracted the file where it says it has to go, please can somebody help me solve this problem before it drives me completely batty.


Posted by member 1340 on 2004-01-31 07:06:44 link

If the theme is an OTS2 format theme with *.zip extension.
-- Extract the theme to your "\Themes\" folder.
-- Now goto the change themes menu in ur main menu and click "Refresh List".
-- If its a valid OTS2 theme then its name will appear. Select it to load it.

If its a OTS2 theme with *.lsz extension.
-- Double click to install the theme.

The Theme installer can also be used to do the same. Just point it to either the zip or the lsz file and it will install automatically.

If the theme is not OTS2, i.e its OTS1 then install it using the Theme Installer.

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-02-02 12:46:29 link

one little change:
"If the theme is an OTS2 format theme with *.zip extension.
-- Extract the theme to your "\Themes" folder.
-- Now goto the change themes menu in ur main menu and click "Refresh List".
-- If its a valid OTS2 theme then its name will appear. Select it to load it."

Actually, just rename it to .lsz, and then double-click it to install.