Rainmeter. Thread last updated on 2003-03-01 04:18:15

Posted by member 10651 on 2003-02-26 11:43:48

I am suing the simplicity theme and using it to learn how to modify the look etc.

I added rainmeter and it is only showing on the taskbar (one with the arrows and you can cycle through each of them, systray, etc). I cant move it and i have been looking through the help and the files and cant seem to move it.

Posted by member 562 on 2003-02-26 12:08:17 link

!RainmeterMove newX newY

Posted by member 10651 on 2003-02-26 14:38:07 link

tried that as well still wont move.

Posted by member 10651 on 2003-02-26 14:43:02 link

Posted by member 10651 on 2003-02-27 11:17:57 link

can anyone help please??

Posted by member 333 on 2003-02-27 11:21:12 link

set new position in the rainmeter.ini file and refresh it.

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-02-27 11:22:22 link

uploading the rc-file could be useful ;)

Posted by member 10651 on 2003-03-01 04:18:15 link

I tried setting the new position and it dont work.

heres the step.rc

; LiteStep environment config

ThemeName "simplicity"
ThemeAuthor "Omar Hussain"

PersonalDir "$LiteStepDir$personal\"
ThemeDir "$LiteStepDir$themes\simplicity\"
ConfigDir "$ThemeDir$config\"
ModulesDir "$ThemeDir$modules\"
LSImageFolder "$ThemeDir$images\$env_colour$\"
ShortcutsDir "$LiteStepDir$shortcuts\"

include "$PersonalDir$personal.rc"
include "$ConfigDir$themevars.rc"
include "$ConfigDir$flags.rc"
include "$ConfigDir$popuptheme.rc"

LSNoShellWarning true

; loadmodule config

LoadModule "$LitestepDir$desktop2.dll"
LoadModule "$LitestepDir$hotkey.dll"
LoadModule "$LitestepDir$popup2.dll"
LoadModule "$LitestepDir$shortcut2.dll"
LoadModule "$LitestepDir$systray2.dll"
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$ckHotspots.dll" ;ckHotspots 2.2
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$ckVWM.dll" ;ckVWM 1.35
loadmodule "$ModulesDir$deskfolders.dll" ;DeskFolders 2.0b4
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$geekamp.dll" ;GeekAmp 1.9.666
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$jAmpToo.dll" ;jAmpToo 1.3
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$label.dll" ;label 1.98
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$lsxcommand.dll" ;lsxcommand 1.8.3

loadmodule "$ModulesDir$syscolor.dll" ;SysColor 2.3
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$taskbar3.dll" ;taskbar3 0.303
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$textedit2.dll" ;textedit 2.1l
;loadmodule "$ModulesDir$xprop.dll" ;xprop 1.26
LoadModule "$ModulesDir$mzscript.dll" ;mzscript 0.8
LoadModule "C:\LiteStep\Rainlendar.dll"
LoadModule "$litestepdir$Rainmeter.dll"

; module config

include "$ConfigDir$base.rc"
include "$ConfigDir$colour_$env_colour$.rc"

; hotkey config

*Hotkey CTRL+ALT D !ChangeDesktopState
*Hotkey CTRL+ALT T !ChangeTaskBarState
*Hotkey CTRL+ALT H !ChangeHotspotState