Help needed with language bar Thread last updated on 2006-08-11 08:14:20

Posted by member 83780 on 2004-01-26 04:28:53

I apologize if this is one of those things that can be found from the documentation, in which case I'm probably going blind. I've tried to figure it out on my own, but because I'm a bit of a helpless little girl, I could use some assistance.

How do I implement the IME language bar to a litestep theme? I have Win XP and it works fine normally. I just need to know how I can get it to show up in the popup thingy.
Those of you who are unsure of what I'm talking about, the language bar is the thing that allows you change languages and write ie. the Japanese characters.
I'm assuming that if there is documentation for this, it's probably in Japanese and I just can't read it well enough to understand the instructions yet (I don't even know enough Japanese to find the documentation).

If you know how to do this, please explain it in detail, because although I seem to be able to mess around with litestep enough to make my own theme, I'm very bad at coding, and I tend to confuse things easily.

On the other hand, I'd be extremely grateful for any little piece of information you might have.

Posted by member 7 on 2004-01-26 06:03:56 link

Well, it works fine on all windows versions... except for XP. :P You won't get the icon to show up on XP; it's undocumented by M$ and we haven't figured it out yet.
But you should still be able to switch languages using the hotkey (alt-shift or something like that). The only thing you have to do is make the bar "show up on the desktop" (although you won't see it in LS), that's an option somewhere in the control panel.

Posted by member 83780 on 2004-01-26 06:17:32 link

Ah, thanks. :)
I think the real problem was that the control panel toggle for it said it was supposed to be showing on the desktop, but it wasn't there. So I took it off and then toggled it again and now it shows. I feel so stupid. ;p

Thank you though! I sometimes need a little nudge to get my brain to work. ^__^;


Posted by member 111 on 2004-02-08 03:21:51 link

> You won't get the icon to show up on XP
arrrrrrgh! third-party apps!

P.S. two weeks? did I really missed to say that I'm a very quick guy?

Posted by member 123686 on 2004-03-09 07:13:51 link

For some reason for me (XP) the Left-ALT-SHIFT hotkey doesn'y work. You can define specific language hot keys, e.g., CTL-SHIFT-0 for a specific language, and this works. Any idea?


Posted by member 103254 on 2004-03-09 11:45:07 link

For me, disabling the language bar made the shortcuts work.

Posted by member 7 on 2004-03-10 07:50:31 link

Modify the "show on desktop" option. You have to enable or disable it (forgot which) for the hotkey to work under LS.

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-03-10 11:42:43 link

Disable. At least for me that's what worked. I'm using XP Home