I am curious as to which image editors themers are
using. I find MSpaint's limitations very frustrating,
but have never invested the time to master any of the
larger alternatives (PSP, Gimp, etc) Are there any
editors that could be considered MSpaint on steroids?
Something with a few more features like; rulers,
saveable palets, and a multiple document interface?
If you don't want to spend any money, use Gimp. I haven't used it myself though. There is also
Pixel32. But I have used that either.
Some of these apps can have an overwhelming number of features but I would still give them a try. They can make life a lot easier once you get to know them.
i like psp, for it is rather easy to use. it has basic as well as advanced features (while not being too overwhelming), and you can work things out rather quick. maybe what i like most about it is zooming, you can zoom in and out just by using the mouse wheel - can't live without it anymore ;)
the gimp is fine and powerful and best of all open source, however complicated to use if you're not used to it...
Thanks for the opinions. Photoplus looks interesting, ls-universe. Checking it out now. I spent about 4 hours scouring google, sourceforge, etc and found quite a few editors.
None of them seemed to be what I was looking for. There is a a functionality gap between mspaint and apps like psp. You either have to use an app like paint or an app you could make a feature length animated film with.
I've decided I can continue to live without an MDI in paint. The whole not being able to save custon pallets thing though... Do any of you know a way to "eyedropper" a color outside of mspaint?
I am in the process of drawing several pieces ( bars, popups, etc) for a theme, and having to type in the rgb, luminosity, and color depth every time is getting old.
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Not sure what I missed out on here =) but if anyone else needs a freeware eyedropper, with quite a few options; check
http://www.eyedropper.inetia.comhere. Pretty cool.
BTW Pixia forever! (http://park18.wakwak.com/~pixia/)
Especially with IrfanView color filters :) (http://www.irfanview.com/)
I use a free eye-dropper called Color Cop.