Asking For Your Opinion Thread last updated on 2004-01-24 00:17:38

Posted by member 99652 on 2004-01-20 00:35:39

I would like to know what, in your opinion, is the best theme on the site. I have searched trough and tried many of them, and I have to say there are alot of great themes out there, props to all the themers working hard out there, we do apreciate it. But I want an oppinion from the other LS users on what is the best theme with the most options, looks the best or runs the best. Just what ever you think makes it the best. I would like to know what it is. Post freely and with as many as you want becouse I know it is hard to decide which you like most or at least it is for me.

This post was done mostly to let people discuse there favorite theme without it being some question on how to fix it, or make it do something else. Kind of a change to help get the mind off all the I NEED HELP POSTS.

Posted by member 7223 on 2004-01-23 09:36:13 link

mines :D

Posted by member 1 on 2004-01-23 11:35:00 link

LiteStep is a personalized application so no one theme is "best" for multiple people. What you need to do is go around and try some different styles of themes and fits what is best for you.

Posted by member 94 on 2004-01-23 11:37:09 link


Posted by member 99652 on 2004-01-23 22:02:21 link

I don't really want one for me. Liek I said before its kind ofan open discussion. Just say your favorite and maybe what you like about it. I used enogh themes to know what I like. This really isnt for me at all.

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-01-23 22:10:31 link

Well, mine, of course. Hymn 43 has more options than I ever use, is quick, and only lacks in graphics.
Then again, my best theme is my best theme, because no one else had made a theme like it, so I had to make one to fit my needs, which is the whole point, IMO.

I don't like lots of images...slows down log on.
I don't like sounds...I have my music, and that's it.
I like VWMs, but use few workspaces...sometimes, though, I'll have enough open I might want a dozen to organize things. very few themes let you modify that, which is why I go to lengths to make it more configurable than needed.
I'm minimal. A couple little squares to get the mouse over is all I need. No taskbar module--what !popuptasks won't do, Task Manager will.
Without LSXCommand, I would not use Litestep. Period. It's visibility and the ease of focusing it are paramount.

At the moment I'm working on a theme that is just one more evolutionary step, a little cleaner, slicker and faster (until I can come up with some graphics that aren't copy & pastes from another theme, I'll wait on polishing it up for an actual release).

Posted by member 84122 on 2004-01-24 00:17:38 link

none of them are actually 'good', so to speak, but are all great for editing and customzing