Gandharva Transparancy Discrepency Thread last updated on 2004-01-19 08:38:01

Posted by member 97484 on 2004-01-19 08:38:01

Anyone else expercianced this, using the same code:

GandharvaHiddenAmp false
GandharvaX 721
GandharvaY -74
GandharvaTime elapsed
GandharvaTimeFontColor FFFFFF
GandharvaTimeFontSize 16
GandharvaBorderSize 2 2 2 2
GandharvaPadding 2 2 2 2
GandharvaTextAlignH left
GandharvaDefaultString "Winamp 2.91"
GandharvaCommandMode basic
GandharvaAlwaysOnTop true
GandharvaHidden false
GandharvaWidth 540
GandharvaHeight 26
GandharvaBGColor FF00FF
GandharvaBorderColor FF00FF
GandharvaFontColor FFFFFF

it will refresh transparant as requested, but when you refresh again it reverts back to black (default) background colour again. Then out of the blue will refresh transparant again even though you didn't toucvh anything?!?!?

This is using gandharva-, has anyone else experianced anything liek this... and if so is there a quick fix?

~ Boli