PNG Alpha Transparency Modules? Thread last updated on 2004-01-10 01:02:14

Posted by member 82039 on 2004-01-10 00:07:07

I'm relatively new to LiteStep, but am trying to make my own theme (based on Austerity, of course. ;). When I implemented my new graphics, however, I ran into an issue with Alpha Transparencies in PNG images. Specifically, I have taskbar buttons that have corners in their images that are meant to be transparent. However, the corners of the buttons don't become transparent when I recycle to test the theme, and thus I have black corners on the buttons instead of the graphics that should come through behind the buttons.

In other words, I need to know if there's either:
A.) A task-bar module that supports Alpha Transparency in PNG files,
B.) A module that can be used to provide Alpha Transparency support, or failing that:
C.) The latest available open source build of Litestep that I can compile to create my own modules.

The main reasons why I'm asking if any modules for what I need exist or not are to save myself any unneeded effort by reinventing something that's already available, the latest open source IndieStep build at is missing a header file in the core that I need for another module I attempted to modify earlier (ifcs.h, to be exact. I have an IDL file by the same name, but that won't help me. I'm wondering if this is a file that's included in 24.7...), and I'm stuck on Visual C++ 5.0, which may or may not cause possible problems. I also don't have a large amount of experience with C/C++ (although I'm proficient with Visual BASIC and Java).

I'm sorry if it seems like I didn't search the forums at all for answers to any of my questions. The search feature apparently isn't fixed yet, and I did not have the time at the writing of this post to search the forums manually.

Posted by member 36955 on 2004-01-10 01:02:14 link