Dont know if this's happened to others yet but i seem to be having some problems with processor time and/or ram. I dont know why exatly it runs soooo slow but it does and i'd like to be able to play some games.
email me at
There could be many causes to this. Generally, there's a program crash that eat all the cpu ressources. You give us no clue to diagnose the problem.
Try to identify when, exactly, the slowdown appears. Try first to kill every running apps. Then run litestep with the -nostartup command line parameter. If the slowdown appears here, you'll have to check what module makes litestep crash...
This could take some time...
when I have winamp running, it's taking up all my cpu recourses. I can go from a usage of 4% to 100% when I turn on winamp. I don't know if this is a general problem. I have a ~700 MHz processor.
2 muir: switch to any "minimalistic" theme. Some modules are... hmmm... unfinished and have a large number of problems, but module-writers like them...
2 offa: I have the same symptoms, but it isn't a problem - it doesn't change the speed of other applications.
offa - stop using winamp3 :)
I'm not... It's winamp2. I tried wa3 once and found out it didn't really do me any good.
It's not "disturbing" other applications in the beginning but when I returned to my computer after some hours where WinAmp had been running, it took a while for my applications to start and my popup to show.
how exatly do i use the -nostart command? =Þ kinda new, also i'm using Blackbox theme dunno if thats minamalistic or not...
c:\litestep\litestep.exe -nostartup
argh! now my cpu usage will go as low as 0% while winamp is running. Wonder if it was because I shifted from using lsxcommand to display winamp song title to using a lable instead..
ok how about problems with opening file manager? it opens once but it opens explorer also . if i open file manager twice i stil have 2 explorers
nevermind i can deal with it. What exatly does the -nostart do? i can't connect to trillian or icq...
The -nostartup do exactly what its name suggest: it run litestep without running the startup appz (HKLM/.../Run, HKKU/../Run,"Documents and settings/.../Programs/startup). It's usefull to restart litestep without restarting all appz that usually run at startup.
Use this to see if the slowdown is cause by litestep or an other app.
If the problem is solve while running litestep alone, then we can't do more for you: this is a litestep forum, isn't it ?
Humm, I suggest to uninstall every ICQ-like appz to make the test... I guess ICQ lite is a bit messy...