Need help from you.. the experienced C++ Programmer Thread last updated on 2004-01-05 17:15:45

Posted by member 77707 on 2004-01-04 02:05:18

OK, pickep up Beginner's C++ by some guy with a funny name, published by a company from Wrox. I read it end to end and am putting what i have learned to some use... however, the whole motivation for me to learn C++ now rather than later is so i can put some dev time into some modules. While this book gave me a very solid base for C++, i know modules are a more advanced subject... heck this book doesnt even cover dlls. So i am asking if anyone out there is firmiliar with a good "level 2" book that will cover most or preferably all the rest of the info i will need (Please note that by "level 2" i mean NOT a beginners book.) Id very much prefer another Wrox book (im looking for the least redundency) and the one they suggest to proceed to windows programming is "Programming MFC", but i dunno...Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Chime in please. Thanks

Posted by member 31 on 2004-01-05 10:29:37 link

The best programming book I've read for Windows and creating dlls/applications is "Programming Windows 5th Edition" by Charles Petzold.

If you just want a language reference, then get the C++ book written by the c++ mofo himself

Stay as far away from MFC as you can.

Posted by member 503 on 2004-01-05 17:15:45 link

I agree, Petzold's book is a great introduction to Win32 programming.