Two problems that elude me Thread last updated on 2004-01-04 16:48:21

Posted by member 17071 on 2004-01-03 22:20:15

i'm pretty new to theming litestep, and i was starting on a theme that is very minimalistic but even thats too complicated for me apparently, heh. so i need a little help...

1) taskbar. ok, so i don't really like how the taskbar works, so instead i'm using the tasker or something librarys, so i have a label background and a task thing ontop of that, both are set to "ontop" but unfortunitly the tasks disapear behind the label sometimes, usually caused by clicking just outside of a task.

2) systray. so this is the part thats really perplexing me. i am using the normal systray module and it works great and all when you its adding and deleting from just that, but i want it to manipulate an image thats on the end of it [the systray is vertical] but for some reason it doesn't always work or something.

i know this probably is gonna require looking at my code so uhhh... if you want to give me a hand IM me or email me... i think you can access both of those. thanks for your help.

Posted by member 17071 on 2004-01-03 22:34:32 link

within 5 minutes of posting this i figured out the taskbar problem but i still am having some problems with the systray i would really appreciate some help with this.

Posted by member 17071 on 2004-01-03 22:40:18 link

nevermind damn it... it doesn't work, stupid alwaysontop functions

Posted by member 7223 on 2004-01-04 03:04:18 link

1. try zorder-0.2
2. I don't understand what you mean. Have you tried to play with systrayonadd/systrayondel ?

Posted by member 17071 on 2004-01-04 09:04:08 link

1) a -0.2 zOrder does nothing except make it not on top of the applications.

2) i tried but for some reason it doesn't adjust anything when it adds icons or something, is there a way to get the number of icons in the tray? if i could do that i could probably get it to work. also i've been looking at a theme that has it working and they use some things that are .box, what is that? is it any more efficient or is it just another way of doing something that i don't know?

Posted by member 1 on 2004-01-04 10:22:16 link

2) what did you try and adjust with your OnAdd OnDel stuff? If you didn't adjust the right thing of course it didn't work right. .box files are how lsbox gets it config. its a complicated module that solves a lot of problems for some people.

Posted by member 17071 on 2004-01-04 16:48:21 link

i see... i'll stay outta that for now.

; Initialize
*Script bang !ScriptInit
*Script exec !varSet TrayHeight 105
*Script exec !varSet TrayPos -125
*Script exec !SystraySize 20 %{TrayHeight}
*Script exec !SystrayMove -20 %{TrayPos}
*Script exec !varSet TrayIcons 0
*Script ~bang

*Script start !ScriptInit

; Bottom Corner
*Script bang !AddToSystray
*Script exec !varAdd TrayHeight 20
*Script exec !varAdd TrayPos -20
*Script exec !varAdd TrayIcons 1

*Script exec !SystraySize 20 %{TrayHeight}
*Script exec !SystrayMove -20 %{TrayPos}
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !DelToSystray
*Script exec !varAdd TrayHeight -20
*Script exec !varAdd TrayPos 20
*Script exec !varAdd TrayIcons -1

*Script exec !SystraySize 20 %{TrayHeight}
*Script exec !SystrayMove -20 %{TrayPos}
*Script ~bang

i would think that that code would put the systray in the bottom right corner, but it just appears at the top right corner.