I'm in serious trouble! How can I do an emergency repair? Thread last updated on 2004-01-03 12:05:19

Posted by member 96782 on 2004-01-02 18:56:00

I'm in serious trouble, I hope that within the next few hours someone can help me here!
I'm running Win98 SE and the Litestep version "LiteStep Installer (omar) (10)". I installed a theme called 'shift' that aparently couldn't find certain modules and now I can't even acces the right-click menu.
Windows boots fine and appears to be running smooth. With some F-Button combo (can't remeber) I can call the taskmenu and reboot, but that's about it. This shift thing seem to have some sort of player in the upper right corner, but it has no menu of any sorts.
I need to switch themes by configuring!
I'm used to that (Linux) but when I edit themes~1.rc using Knoppix and change the themename to another in the themeslist.rc, there is a major fuckup and it boots back into the broken 'shift' theme.
I have to repair this by hand, can anyone help me and tell me how I can do this? There seem to be no docs or 'manpages' available in the litestep directories and this site doesn't seem to have manpages either.
It's saturday night here in europe (1:45 CET), I would appreachiate if anyone could post some emergency procedure to get my system back running so I can use it. Even the crappy ol' Explorer will do. Thank you!

BTW: How do I change styles in the Blackbox+ theme? I couldn't find any docs or manpages on that subject.

Posted by member 96782 on 2004-01-02 19:01:45 link

Wrote something wrong there:
"...and it boots back into the broken 'shift' theme...."
That's not precisely described. It doesn't reboot.
It just gives of some errormsgs and then shows the broken shift theme!

Posted by member 96782 on 2004-01-02 19:57:15 link

Problem solved, thanks to some cool litestep folks on IRC.
The solution: Found the themeselect.rc file and changed it to

ThemeDir "$ThemeDir$austerity\"

Thanks to the folks on the litestep IRC for their help one again!

Posted by member 1 on 2004-01-02 22:21:07 link

we are always around to help out.

Posted by member 79449 on 2004-01-03 12:05:19 link

Use shift+mouse left click to change style in the Blackbox+...