Most of other themes working, not OTS1. Why? Thread last updated on 2004-01-02 10:02:39

Posted by member 96799 on 2004-01-02 08:52:37

I just installed Litestep yesterday, and I´m kind of noob with it. I have read most of the forums, and tried to search stuff from internet but I have not mabaged to find a solution to my problem.

I have the patched LSTS and Litestep Theme Installer. I have succesfully managed to install most of the OTS2 themes I have tried but not a single OTS1 theme. Could you tell me why is that?

Posted by member 1 on 2004-01-02 09:42:40 link

Because you are following the theme installation instructions. Install them as you would an OTS2 theme, via the theme installer, and you should be fine.

Posted by member 96799 on 2004-01-02 10:02:39 link

Actually I haven´t :)
I have tried to instaal them via Theme Installer and the installer displays a warning that it could not be installed and asks me whether I want to see the log of what went wrong. (It won´t show me the log.)