Issue for consideration (Devs Please Read) Thread last updated on 2004-01-02 22:00:14

Posted by member 74754 on 2004-01-01 17:28:42

I've been reading through the forums to see what type of problems people have with Multi-monitors, and many of them seem to deal with the placement and situation of the physical monitors. Now, I know not many people care about multi-monitor users since there aren't too many of us, but it's a concern that even MSexplorer has taken care of. In explorer, my physical monitor setup can be however I like, and I still have a usable desktop, but in litestep, I'm forced to go [Primary][Secondary][etc.]. This is very annoying for many multimonitor users as my setup during my old explorer days was [secondary][primary][tritary], and I've a friend who's setup is [secondary][primary]. This lack of configurablity goes against what seems to be the very core of the litestep ideal, that of complete user custimablity.
I know what I ask seems trivial, but it's something that needs to be addressed before Litestep can be seen as a true replacement for explorer. Until Litestep can do all of what explorer does, it's still just a toy for people that like trying things out. I would personally try and code this myself, but I'm not very good with that yet, although I do plan on attempting some changes I think I can manage soon enough. Hopefully, I'll get some response from my question, and we'll see some added functionality in regards to multimonitor users. I'll continue using Litestep as I do now, with an uncomfortable (to me and many others) desktop setup.

Now, I don't know about this forum and flaming, but I'm going to go ahead and say that I'm not "TELLING" anybody to do this, I'm just suggesting/asking. I think that this needs to be addressed at some point, if it's already in the plan, then it's in the plan and I didn't know about it, but either way, I really wanted to bring this up.

Posted by member 1 on 2004-01-01 17:49:58 link

The problem with comparing LS to Explorer is that the LS devs can't know every hidden function of explorer. The explorer shell knows how to find out from the Control Panel what monitor is where and how big...LS can't. for problems with multi-monitor normally isn't LS skrewing is the themer not thinking about more stuff off to the right. LS can't account for lack of thought on the end of the themer.

Posted by member 182 on 2004-01-01 21:35:26 link

my current desktop works fine with multiple monitors.

the theme only uses the primary display, with the secondary being static and letting you put any apps you want there (yet still having a working popup), while still letting you move around virtual desktops.

whee (:

Posted by member 74754 on 2004-01-01 23:39:02 link

My current theme also works fine, after I made sure to re-arrange my monitors. And if it isn't Litestep screwing it up, then why does the default theme not show up correctly? Is the default theme not compliant?

Posted by member 36955 on 2004-01-02 01:24:03 link

look in the readme for the default theme... it says that it supports multiple monitors as long as the main monitor is on the left.

omar (the theme creator) as well as many others dont have a multimonitor setup to test on, which makes it difficult to theme for multimonitors. there are many themers out there with multiple monitors, however, and their themes should work correctly.

if you look through the forums there have been plenty of threads about this with some theme suggestions for people with multiple monitors (and im sure some people will stop by here with their suggestions soon enough).

Posted by member 1 on 2004-01-02 09:37:38 link

most any bar theme will not be multimonitor compliant.

Posted by member 99 on 2004-01-02 11:05:55 link

It's the modules screwing it up. There are very few modules that will allow you to easily and "portably" place them on a monitor above or to the left of the primary monitor.

And in this case, LS could, in theory, account for lack of thought from the themer, but it requires a lot of stuff to be fixed. (see rabidvwm's multimonitor positioning :D )

The trouble is that monitors to the right and below take very little extra effort to get working, and that's the most common configuration. Above and left take a very slight but significantly different way of thinking about positions and sizes.

There are themes that work no matter where your second (or third) monitor is, mostly ones that load everything in lsboxes. If someone cared enough, it should be possible to wrap everything in skinboxes and make it so things could move off of the primary monitor, but that's an incredibly horrible solution. Unfortunately, getting this fixed properly requires modifications to the core and all modules that display something, which is probably even more work.

Posted by member 74754 on 2004-01-02 20:46:27 link

doy: if you didn't read my post, please don't respond.

To everyone else. Thanks, these are the things I've been thinking about. Both of the bar themes I use required the repositioning of my monitors, which I noticed wasn't required on my main theme (shell-shocked) except to get the bar which displays the system icons. I realize that it would take alot of coding to fix, and hopefully I'm going to start looking into it myself in afew months. I just posted to see if there were any plans already in the works by the Devs to do anything to fix this, which by the looks of it there aren't. Ah well.

Posted by member 99 on 2004-01-02 21:17:00 link

Well I was going to try adding the required core stuff once .24.7 final was released, but I'm not entirely certain I'll get to that now...

Posted by member 74754 on 2004-01-02 21:18:26 link


Posted by member 36955 on 2004-01-02 22:00:14 link

"And if it isn't Litestep screwing it up, then why does the default theme not show up correctly? Is the default theme not compliant?"

i was responding to that, actually... and i dont see what i said that would make you think i didnt read your post