Help! (Skins) Thread last updated on 2003-12-31 19:52:29

Posted by member 96472 on 2003-12-31 09:31:15

I just installed the latets version of Litestop on my WindowsXP laptop, though the windows, like internet explorer etc. keep having that irritating blue look that goes with Windows XP by default. Anyone got any idea how this is possible and how I can change that look to the one that goes with Litestep?
All the other stuff, like contextmenu's and the start-menu-bar did change with the installation of Litestep...

Thanks for your help!

Updated: Title changed by Admin. - DeViLbOi

Posted by member 1 on 2003-12-31 09:39:46 link

There is a thread in the Themes section on this called Theme vs Skin or something. Check it out.

Posted by member 36955 on 2003-12-31 19:52:29 link

or the one right above here called window styles