Is this just a linux emmulator for windows? or does one also exist for the mac?
well, it's not really a linux emmulator at all. originally it was, but it's evolved pretty far now. but what do you mean, a mac emulator, or a linux (or litestep?) emulator that runs on a mac?
a linux emmulator that runs on the mac :) i just got an ibook and love it. Years ago I had used litestep when it was in it's linux emulation stages, and so I went searching for it to see if it still existed.
well, there is not a mac version of litestep, I can tell you that right now. re-writing the linux core to run on a mac would be one thing (difficult and time consuming, I'm sure), but re-writing all the dozens (if not hundreds) of modules to also run on mac's would be entirely different, and close to impossible (just because of the time and man-power needed for such a project).
for a linux emulator that runs on mac, I don't know, sorry.
You have to remember that OSX is based on a FreeBSD Kernel. You can replace the MacOS interface with your favorite X11 shell...but its not the easiest thing in the world.