Is it possible to make it such that there is no egding with Litestep? most of the themes that I have used maintain a rim around a maximized window that causes display issues for styleXP and I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this and more importantly found a fix for it?
Set your SDA values to -4.
Where are these elusive values? I can't seem to find them... I thought they would have been in theme.rc, or step.rc, but there is nothing there regarding them. And SDA doesn't really come up in a text search through my lite step folder other than in minor reference..
Hi there,
Should be in base.rc, IIRC.
SetDesktopArea and it should appear in your theme.rc
Well it's not there... can I just add it? or do I need to load another specific module to accomplish the task?
its part of read the docs on that for how and where. if you are using jDesk its something else but very obvious...but I am pretty sure this is a desktop2 only bug.
if the desktop area isn't defined in the theme.rc, it is in your personal.rc
or base.rc, or one of the other files in your $configdir$
I believe most desktop modules have a default/assumed value for the size of the desktop which means that it's possible your theme hasn't explicitly defined it. So all you need to do is find what desktop module the theme is using the read the doc and put appropriate line/s of code in your base.rc file. This is just one possibility.
what is this base.rc that everyone talks of?
its that rc file that omar puts most of his configuration in for his themes - $configdir$base.rc has most configuration while theme.rc is mostly just *netloadmodule and includes. some themes do the same... the files arent always named "base.rc", but not all config is always in the theme.rc/personal.rc files
ah...but nowhere does it say that one of omar's themes is being used. So why make that assumption?
Yeah that was kind of confusing me, the theme that I'm applying uses desktop2-2.0 I apologoze in advance for the relatively large post.
include "$ConfigDir$color.rc"
include "$ConfigDir$barpos.rc"
*NetLoadModule desktop2-2.0
*NetLoadModule popup2-2.0
*NetLoadModule systray2-2.0.1
*NetLoadModule ckvwm-1.40
*NetLoadModule chronos-1.5
*NetLoadModule tasks-0.92-b3
*NetLoadModule lsxcommand-1.8.5
*NetLoadModule dynamp-0.50 threaded
*NetLoadModule lsfonts-0.1
*NetLoadModule textedit-2.4l-13
*NetLoadModule mzscript-0.8.6l
LoadModule "C:\LiteStep\modules\lsslider-1.71.dll"
*LoadFont "$ThemeDir$misc\slkscr.TTF"
mzScriptFile "$ConfigDir$script.rc"
mzAutosaveVars replaceinclude
;--> I added this below
SDALeft -5
SDARight -5
SDATop -5
SDABottom -5
Is that what you meant? It doesn't work if that's what you meant, and yes, I have even tried it with it's synonym
LoadModule "C:Litestep\modules\desktop2-2.0.dll"
The end result is the same.
03.12.16 @ 14:02
if the desktop area isn't defined in the theme.rc, it is in your personal.rc
Not that I could find, the only desktop specifics that are held in my personal.rc, are VWM settings and standard jdesk settings like
; personal settings: jDesk
;--> prevents LiteStep from recycling automatically when your screen resolution
; changes, e.g. when you launch a game.
jDeskRecycleOnRezChange false
;--> see jDesk's readme for a description of this feature. this is being set so
; that the right-click menu launches quickly.
Those are the only destop specific settings that I could find in my
strange, I have another jdesk line right under the disabledoubleclick line. I wonder if I maybe just put it there myself...hmmm...
however, the problem is that you have each of the values set as a negative. the first and third need to be positive numbers (left and top, respectively). that should fix the problem.
nope...he wants to cover -4 all the way around...There is a bug in Desktop2 that leaves a 4 pixel border, why I have no clue, but it does. But I think for bottom and top he wants +4...I don't remember.
ok, I see what you're saying, I think. but that would be bottom and right. ;)
lol, ok well I've read through the lsdocs... and it doesn't specify where I should put the call to desktop2, ie, where I should put the information that defines how it is going to use the module.
Sooo I put it in theme.rc and it still doesn't seem to work... and the desktop2 readme says for itself that it is outdated... and makes no specific mention of a location to define... same with lsdocs...
And since OTS2, I'm very confused with what goes where , especially, since I didn't know what went where during OTS1 :)
Ahhh ok... I put the SDA values in personal.rc and it worked to get rid of the edge but it still doesn't display right with the stylexp window treatment
Thanks for the explanations,
devilboi: thats why i said "or one of the other files in your $configdir$" (:
what exactly is the matter with stylexp again? I thought that WAS the desktoparea problem.
Basically with both modules, in winxp on my computer, jdesk, and desktop2, there is a display issue with maximized windows. I cannot see the outermost border, or the rounded egdes of a visual theme. Regardless of how I set my desktoparea or jdeskworkspace
that isn't what you originally said
nope, not at all. and, I can't really picture what you're trying to say. can you show us a screenshot?
Style XP and window edges...
Is it possible to make it such that there is no egding with Litestep? most of the themes that I have used maintain a rim around a maximized window that causes display issues for styleXP and I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this and more importantly found a fix for it?
Yes, this was my goal from the beginning. However I beleived that the fix had something to do with getting rid of the edging, or at least I assumed so. I also wanted to get rid of the rim around the edge of the desktop, becuase for me it is unnecessary becuase I use short cut key's for just about everything.
A screen shot can be found here
Even the screenshot lies though, because I can't see the left and right grey edges of the screen.
then you want to use positive numbers for your SDA...Read the desktop docs and you will understand the SDA and what it does.
You mean this -->
It's antiquated and still tells one to put the definitions in step.rc, which for ots2 is simply a place holder and pointer for other files. Thanks go to Duece, for the suggestion to put the SDA values into the personal.rc file.
Yes, I quite understand the use of SDA.
However, it does not solve my problem neither does it offer a solution to my problem, regardless of the variables or combinations therein of positive and negative values. I guess the only way I can describe my problem is through the use of multiple screen shots...becuase it seems that people in general are misunderstanding what I am trying to say; or more easily put, I'm not saying it right :) Although this problem was twofold, and one of them has been solved via the use a setting the SDA values or jdeskworkarea.
This is what is happening ( even with SDA = -4 ) --->
This is what I want to happen ---->
And just so you can see the difference when SDA values are NOT set to -4, here is another screen shot --->
The fact that the site tells you to put the settings in your step.rc is not antiquated. How OTS2 uses the step.rc is just different. The docs were written for LiteStep and not any Themeing Standard so they will tell you how to use LS. As for your will need to talk to Message or jugg directly since they are the only two that know the specific ins and outs of the LiteStep Desktop Area.
Ok...I was working with Message on this and everything worked the way it should. With StyleXP I had to set my SDA to 0 and everything squared off as it did without a desktop module. So we think that it is a problem with the skin. Can you get me a link to that skin to test with?
This is the visual style, it seems that the same happens with all of the other visual styles that I have tried also:
The LSTheme that I am using is Gello8. Which can be found here:
ok...I installed the skin and loaded up exploder on my laptop and its square.
I have seen that effect before, but with windowblinds. In the end it was not a setting with Litestep but with windowblinds itself.
I could not correct the effect with the windowblinds config. I ended up using builderblinds (now called skinstudio I think) to fix the problem.
There was a global value that kept borders that were wider (or thicker) than the standard windows borders, from being cropped off when windows were maximized. I could never figure out an exact pattern why it affected some windblinds and not others, but it was in that config where I fixed it for sure.
Seeing as styleXP has a reputation as being somewhat of a windowblinds ripoff, maybe its a related problem.
So that means it's a problem with the skin and not a problem with my litestep variables correct?
Has anyone else applied msstyles correctly and without the messed up edges?
This is such a small problem, I'm just being anal about it becuase it's annoying to have everything so pretty, and then one thing get's FUBAR'd and ruins the "look n' feel"... GRRR
Thanks for all the help trying to solve this issue... I guess mssstyles is genuinely glitched!