An interesting idea for scripting Thread last updated on 2003-12-16 08:19:26

Posted by member 74896 on 2003-12-15 18:14:43

I recently came across as slick little product called Alintex. It's a scripting tool that uses .Net to allow you to write portable, multi-file scripts that can be in C#, Vb.NET, or I'm to check and see if lsapi can be called directly in c# or, and see if I can make allintex issue bang commands. It won't be a module obviously, and it will also need the .NET framework (40+ megs), so it won't be for everyone, but think of what you could do with scripts that the full capabilities of .NET (first thing, windows forms, most of java, so much stuff!) that can issue bang commands. The one hitch is: Is it even possible for something to add bang commands if it's not loaded as a module? If not, is there a module that lets other programs add bang commands?

Posted by member 74896 on 2003-12-15 18:18:25 link

I found bang.exe, which I could use in a shell() call, but I think I'd rather write my own dll. Problem is, I can't really make any sense out of the included source.

Posted by member 71746 on 2003-12-15 19:45:03 link

Go to the source archive and download the source to a few modules like STBang or V_Bang.. Modules that don't have any features apart from adding !Bang commands. That'll show ya how to do that, without having to sift through gads of unrelated code :)

One other thought - you could have a bunch of .net mini-scripts and create !Bangs using mzScript, then have the !Bangs call the mini-scripts...

Posted by member 74896 on 2003-12-16 08:19:26 link

Thanks for the idea :). I got bang.exe working as a way tosend bang commands, and I was planning on using bangpath or mzscript to add bangs, but I'll look at those two to see if I can figure this out.