Error! can't initialize plugins directory Thread last updated on 2003-12-12 22:46:03

Posted by member 92893 on 2003-12-12 21:16:11

What a way to introduce myself huh? The first post i make and its already about an error i can't seem to apologies for that.

Here is the basic jist:

I installed litestep today and took a liking to it, of course i wanted to try a new skin so i got 'smog' from this site and basically unziped the zip file into the themes folder and manually edited themeselect.rc to switch to the new theme. I rebooted - waited for personal settings to load - a pop box tells me i need to download some modules for this theme to work - click ok - download of some modules failed due to zip files being empty? - click cancel - windows all messed up!!! - finally switched back to default skin -

now I get the errror - Error! can't initialize plugins directory - when I try to access things from the litestep menu.

help ;)

Posted by member 1 on 2003-12-12 21:31:13 link

1) Never Install an OTS2 theme manually when you don't have to.
2) Never Install an OTS2 theme manually when you don't have to.
3) When all else fails...reinstall LiteStep

Posted by member 92893 on 2003-12-12 22:06:58 link

I cant re-install it cause i get the same error when i ran the installer, i tried to un-install litestep via the add-remove programs in control panel and i get the same error. I can't switch to explorer either because i get the same error.

Posted by member 1 on 2003-12-12 22:46:03 link

well...there is no plugins directory to LS so I don't know where the problem is. I would suggest going into task manager and starting up explorer to reinstall LS.