Couple requests Thread last updated on 2003-11-21 01:43:41

Posted by member 71746 on 2003-11-20 04:13:49

Hola.. A couple requests that seem like they should have been obvious long ago, and strike me as pretty easy updates to implement...

- On-the-fly manipulation of e-vars. (sort of like mzScript's !varSet and !varAdd, but for $EVars$ instead of %{ScriptVars}. Also it'd be nice to have better evaluation routines than mzScript's simple !varAdd routines, which leads me to....

- Better evaluation routines :) !varEval VarName forumla

- AutoSize (bool) - defaults to true
- OnMouseOver
- OnMouseLeave

- Nested !Popups. (ie, have a separate !Popup menu defined elsewhere, and in the main theme popup have an entry that points to the other popup, so instead of clicking it to open the nested popup, it behaves just like a sub-folder)
- Passworded popups (this was suggested by someone else but it seems to have been overlooked).
- Passworded sub-menus

- WaitForBoxHook ...and specifically wait to load the tray icons until the tray has been hooked, so the OnAdd/OnDel commands aren't executed before the associated LsBox and/or mzScript have been loaded.

- Better handling of bitmap image files. Currently it opens the files when it loads and keeps them open until rainmeter is closed. This means if you want to make even the slightest change to one of your images, you have to change to a different theme, save the file, then switch back to the theme you're working on. Hassle. Unneccessary hassle. The images could be loaded into a memory struct and internally manipulated from there, allowing the user to edit the image files, save them without switching themes, then just recycle - like with *every other module out there* (condescending glare at rainy, hehe).

In General
- Per-pixel alpha transparency ;) Ok so this one isn't quite such an easy thing to implement, but DAMN it would make litestep about 10 times more impressive (visually anyhow). Ok, maybe just 2 and a half times more impressive.. ;)

So, all you coders out there with too much time on your hands (lol) now have some direction.. GET TO WORK! *whipcrack*

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-11-20 12:08:40 link

your systray problem could easily (well, or not so easily :P) be fixed by using $systraycurrentwidth$ when determining the size of the box (i assume that u want to resize the box when systray resizes).

Posted by member 71746 on 2003-11-20 13:20:03 link

hmmmmmm that's a really good approach egonz.. i've had to load systray as a *WharfModule so it loads with the box instead of before, but that way would also work.. (though it would add a bit of processing time to move the box every time it displays it as well as whenever icons are added/delled)

Posted by member 36955 on 2003-11-20 17:25:29 link

i agree with the nested popup thing... ive wanted to be able to include my !popuptheme in my !popup for a while now

Posted by member 2112 on 2003-11-20 23:58:34 link

- Better handling of bitmap image files. Currently it opens the files when it loads and keeps them open until rainmeter is closed. This means if you want to make even the slightest change to one of your images, you have to change to a different theme, save the file, then switch back to the theme you're working on.

I'm sure rainmeter hasn't locked the image file when I've been working on a theme.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-11-21 00:37:46 link

@DrWorm: Depend on the version. I never had the annoyance before I switch to rainmeter-0.8 or 0.9

Posted by member 71746 on 2003-11-21 01:43:41 link

I never used rainmeter before 0.9 myself...