Ok... I've been trying to use tasks.dll for my taskbar. The icons show up just fine, but nothing happens when I click on them. I've tried using settings that worked with another theme, and I've tried using the default settings, but the piece of junk still won't work. Does anyone else use tasks.dll or has had this problem? Is there some compatability error with another module, or am I just a moron?
You know what, disregard this post. I'm a dork and I like to post guns 'a blazin. I think I figured out my own question, Sorry.
That didn't work... I do need help... everything is showing up just fine, but nothing happens when I click on the icons. (Whether the programs are restored, or minimized.)
I want my message to be on top of the forum again, so =P
try to use no settings at all. just load the module and see if it works then.
i've done that... but it still doesn't work... it's in the top left hand corner, and the icons popup, but they don't affect the window state of the programs when i click on the icons
what if you load tasks as the only module?
alright... it worked as the only module and then i ran one at a time, and it stops working when shortcut2.dll is loaded. I don't know if there's some compatibility error, or maybe I'm just using them wrong?
Is there anyway to make the distribution version of taskbar.dll work like tasks.dll: without the taskbar, and transparent back, icons... all that jazz? My screenshot has how I'm wanting it too look... (Just doesn't work :)
are there shortcuts beneath your tasks?
it's a shortcut without any commands behind it. It's just place there for an image.
Finally! I had "TaskszOrder ontop" set, but I forgot to include "TasksDockWindow .none". Ok, it works now.
I think you shouldn't use tasks.dll ontop because it's visibility persist in few games or apps that need to run in fullscreen mode...
zorder.dll won't help you anymore. tasks.dll manage z-ordering in a strange way, but you could try to TasksDockWindow ShortcutLS (or something similar) or use labels instead (I know it's working with labels).
Be sure you load the module you want to dock to before tasks.dll
Tips: applying transparency to the module to dock to won't work (except if you use LSTransparent.dll)
Have fun...
tasks aren't any problem as long as you just do a bit of scripting to hide them, just as every other module.