Dual Monitor Support Thread last updated on 2003-11-16 11:18:54

Posted by member 83576 on 2003-11-14 17:35:18

All i want is support for dual monitors. Most themes get cut up over the monitors, and windows get confused where they are because of the Virtual Monitors, and if i set it to 0 virtual monitors the windows still bounce around into invisible monitors for no reason. Beh, i love litestep, i just wish it would work for multiple monitors.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-11-14 19:04:33 link

it does. get rabidvwn. it'll use a bit of tweaking, but it works well with multiple monitors.

Posted by member 83576 on 2003-11-14 21:16:07 link

Will that take the parts of the theme that are chillin on the other monitor and put it back together?

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-11-14 21:28:09 link

it should, if you configure it correctly. but I know for a fact that rabidvwm can correctly support dual-monitors.

Posted by member 83576 on 2003-11-14 21:33:51 link

Where could i find support on setting this thing up? (Sorry for mass questions, i just want LS to work 100%)

Posted by member 99 on 2003-11-15 00:41:43 link

A VWM that supports multiple monitors is necessary (assuming you want a VWM) but not sufficient to make a theme work on multiple monitors. (hm, to switch vwms, find the *NetLoadModule line in the theme's theme.rc that refers to a vwm and change it. current ver of rvwm is rabidvwm-1.01. save and recycle)

If different parts of the theme are getting split to other monitors, the most likely thing to work would be finding all negative and center-based coordinates and converting them to the $ResolutionX-50$ format. If that doesn't work then it will be very hard, if at all possible to make it work with your configuration. (but that will usually work)

Posted by member 83576 on 2003-11-15 01:11:57 link

I think Rabid VWM is already installed on this because the dll is in here, and it says stuff like:

VWMReturnToFirstScreen false ;shared with RabidVWM
VWMSnapWindowOnDrag true ;shared with RabidVWM

And i don't see any negative values, what is a centerbased coordinate though?

And is $ResolutionX-50$ exactally what i'd replace such values with?

Posted by member 99 on 2003-11-15 10:58:16 link

The installer will set some values for RabidVWM, but that doesn't mean that the theme is actually using it. If you used the most recent installer or UpdateBuild, you can check !about to see what modules are loaded, otherwise theme.rc is accessible from the default popup menu: right click -> litestep -> edit config -> theme.rc

What you're looking for is settings like "SystrayX -20" and you'd change that to "SystrayX $ResolutionX-20$" ie, SomeModuleNameX and SomeModuleNameY. Also some places such as *Shortcut lines, the first two numbers will be X and Y coordinates which may need the same treatment.

Each negative value would need to have $ResolutionX or $ResolutionY put in front of it and a $ after it. Center-based coords are numbers that end in c (such as -35c) and need to be translated like: -44c -> $ResolutionX/2-44$, 32c -> $ResolutionX/2+32$ (or ResolutionY if they are Y coordinates)

You need to do this through all of the *.rc files in the theme dir and the themes' /config dir.

This is probably a little daunting if you haven't edited litestep themes before, unfortunately. Hopefully the situation will improve eventually... Otherwise there are a few themes that work with multiple monitors without modification, but I don't have a list of them. :/

Posted by member 83576 on 2003-11-16 11:18:54 link

Mini bar works with dual monitors...very well too. I am goign to try to fix connection to work on multi monitors. It was total hell on 3 monitors.