How do I compile a module??? Thread last updated on 2003-11-13 16:50:18

Posted by member 7991 on 2003-11-13 10:17:17

I'm trying to modify popup2... I just can't figure out how to compile it after I've modified it. I've never used C++, but I am kinda familiar with JAVA. Anyway, just wondering what would be the best, easiest, FREE compiler. Also, if you suggest a compiler, what options (if any) I use to compile properly?

Posted by member 51749 on 2003-11-13 13:06:19 link

Microsoft Visual Studio is by far the best, but im sure you could do it some other way. Not that Ive ever compiled a module.

Posted by member 99 on 2003-11-13 16:21:57 link

Rumor has it that Dev-C++ can be used to compile modules, but I've never used it so I can't offer any help.

Microsoft's compiler would be the easiest, but unfortunately only the raw, unoptimizing .NET C++ compiler is available for free. (afaik)

Posted by member 36955 on 2003-11-13 16:45:32 link

its possible with dev-c++ (ive done it), but it isnt easy... stop by #lsdev on and someone will probably be able to help

Posted by member 7991 on 2003-11-13 16:50:18 link

RabidCow: Would the Microsoft compiler (free) still make the module useable?

I'm just trying to see if I can actually implement a little tweak so that child popups don't close until an item in the parent is clicked on (or the parent popup closes). Essentially, I don't want popup submenus to be opened or closed unless there is a mouse click somewhere (whether in the submenu, or it's parent). I know that there is the option to wait for a mouse click before a submenu is opened, but submenus still close with this option set when the mouse HOVERS over a folder item in the parent popup.