GeeNome Theme Users. Thread last updated on 2004-02-16 15:25:20

Posted by member 700 on 2003-11-11 17:16:49

Hey, anyone using or that has used the GeeNome Theme, this is for you.

I am just curious as to what you people think about the theme and if there are changes/upgrades/fixed that you would like me to make to it in the process of making it OTS2 compliant. So, please post comments/critiques and whatnot here. Thanks!!!


Posted by member 119872 on 2004-02-16 15:25:20 link

I tried to install the geenome theme, first by using the 'easy way' provided by litestep (install theme) and second by unzipping the archive in the themes folder and installing the fonts manually before switching. In both cases I got an error "Module not found", then everything froze (I still got the dialog which allows me to revert to the default theme). I'm using WinXP Pro SP1 fully updated. It doesn't say which module failes to load, so I'm in the dark.. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!