Updating popup without recycling? Thread last updated on 2003-11-10 03:57:47

Posted by member 71746 on 2003-11-07 15:36:33

Anyone know of a good way to update the contents of a popup menu without having to recycle? The only way I can think of is kinda convoluted...

My method is to create a directory in the theme dir named "configpopups" and have subdirectories like "ontop", "transparency", and "vwm".
Within the directories create windows .lnk files (explorer shortcuts) named things like "=always on top" , "floating" and "hug desktop", or "disable transparency" and "level-192"
Include the file "!.exe" in the miscdir, and have the .lnk files point to "!.exe "

For example, the file...
configpopups\ontop\=always on top.lnk
...would point to...
..\..\misc\!.exe !SetAlwaysOnTop

...and in the script file, there would be a bang defined as !SetAlwaysOnTop to do all the always-on-top settings, as well as rename the .lnk files from...

=always on top
hug desktop


always on top
=floating (presuming that's the one you selected)
hug desktop

then in the popuptheme, just have something like

*Popup "theme config" !DynamicFolder:"$ThemeDir$configpopups"


So I figure there's probably a better way than that ;) Anyone care to enlighten me? :):)

Posted by member 36955 on 2003-11-07 15:51:56 link

*script bang !updatepopup
*script exec !reload
*script exec !reloadmodule $modulesdir$popup2-2.1.dll
*script ~bang

this is basically exactly how omar does it in austerity.

this could have some issues if you run the script on startup with .24.7b4, but that should be fixed in b5. also, the next version of netloadmodule will allow you to use something like $popup2path$ instead of specifying the exact location, so you dont have to change both places when you want to update the popup module.

Posted by member 71746 on 2003-11-07 16:02:24 link

Dig! Thanks :)

Posted by member 36955 on 2003-11-08 23:30:12 link

and what do you know, both of those were just released today - download ls .24.7 rc1 and netloadmodule 2.4.3 and you should be good to go(:

Posted by member 71746 on 2003-11-08 23:36:13 link

oOOooOooo an rc..

Posted by member 182 on 2003-11-10 03:57:47 link

it's spooge-tastic!