Windows Media Player 9 Thread last updated on 2003-10-29 18:38:09

Posted by member 60012 on 2003-10-29 16:23:53

Winamp was my god for a while, but WMP9 is now better on memory and has nifty features for orginizing my mp3s.
Here are a few questions I have regarding the compatibilities with Litestep.

1) Is there a module that I can control WMP 9 threw?
2) When WMP9 is in the taskbar, any other program that is click on to be restored...MP9 is restored insted. The only time I can restore another application from the task bar is when MP9 is currently focused.
3) Is there a way just to eliminate WMP9 from the taskbar, and just have it as an icon in the tray (like winamp)?

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-10-29 16:32:20 link

1) I don't believe so
2) sorry, I've never heard of that problem before
3) !TaskbarHideTasks Hides the tasks that are on the *taskbarhide list. However, I don't know how you would create a systray icon.

Posted by member 60012 on 2003-10-29 17:31:20 link

>Deuse: 3) !TaskbarHideTasks Hides the tasks that are on the >*taskbarhide list. However, I don't know how you would >create a systray icon.
Well, got half the problem figured out; anyone here know something about having any program show up in a tray?

Posted by member 37809 on 2003-10-29 18:38:09 link

using tasks, there's a similar setting to remove tasks.
using taskbar3, you can have *TaskbarRemove's (which are like *TaskbarHideTask's but don't require you to use TaskbarHideTasks true or !TaskbarHideTasks etc); check an older version (v0.303) of taskbar3 for docs on these.