Would you recommend LS as a good Mac OS Alternative? Thread last updated on 2003-10-24 11:56:26

Posted by member 74013 on 2003-10-23 22:39:40

I had litestep once before, a few years ago, but I found it to be fairly unstable and just not as good as using the normal windows shell with some plugins & things like Windowblinds. Now with Windows XP, I'm going for the absolute most accurate Mac OS Milk theme, and I'm wondering if Litestep has any really nice Mac OS themes & plugins, or is it just better for me to keep installing dock programs, window fx addon programs, and various skins to try to achieve this? Anyone else have a really nice Mac OS theme, and what do you use? Right now I have a nice Milk Visual style using Style XP, and also using Yz Dock and Yz Toolbar, as well as skins for Winamp and Trillian.


Posted by member 35 on 2003-10-24 01:22:33 link

a panther theme was released yesterday or the day before, dont know if in the forum as a link, or as an actual upload to the themes category.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-10-24 11:56:26 link

well, there are some Mac themes, but you shouldn't find any here. Mac has a problem with people imitating their OS look. You can probably find some on customize.org or deviantart.com though, I'm pretty sure I've seen some.